Islamic Widget

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

ungunya cinta.

assalamualaikum. UNGUNYA CINTA. tajok entry kaliii nii.. just briefing bout my boyfie. HAHA. 
  1. he's friend of mine
  2. he's a bestfriend of mine
  3. he's a boyfriend of mine
  4. he's a future fiancee of mine
  5. he's a future husband of mine
  6. he's a future IMAM of mine
  7. he's a future DAD of my son n doter.
  8. he's my LIFE.
dear my LOVE.
i'm sorry if i made any mistake.i'm just over thinking of u. huu.. 
i just want to say, keep following the list above. and insyaAllah, we'll become ONE. 
i trust u. i need u. i love u . i miss u . more less than our GOD, more less than our PROPHET. more less than my PARENT n my SIBLINGS. heee.. u accept that kan?? LOGIK maaa. hehe. 

okay lah. keep bluetooth ur LOVE to me. 

igt lagi kenangan niii.
location: DANGA BAY.
when bestfreind became boyfriend and girlfriend. ^^


anak ayah said...

perh perh perhgggg...jiwang laa kowt.
berbunga hati lo mcg tue tok driku ini. yadadadadadaaa.. xD

enot =) said...

HAHAHAH...jiwang tahap terok dah kot. ni kes rindu punye psl la.jauh di mata kn. tp sntiase dkttt kat ati.. wiiihuu~